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Rabu, 09 Desember 2009

we can see this on the toyota yaris very extreme modification once. from outside the body to the body in full with a very beautiful accessories. body outside of the dressing toyota yaris with a watercolor brush with artistic value so well. I really can not say anything when he saw toyota yaris with extreeme modifications like this.



I was surprised it was 2002 suzuki BALENO wonderful if the modification by the right hand. 2002 suzuki BALENO modification is very good. I do not mengenalil, I think this car is a high-class cars. was only suzuki BALENO 2002. was unexpected to me.

Who says pickup modification produces a form that is less pleasing to the eye. Bos Auto Design workshop, Bandar Lampung, South Sumatra, Endang prove with Toyota Kijang Super 1991. Flow absurdly chosen not bear, directly from the United States, namely Lowrider truckin. Deer breeding modification parts and Mitsubishi Kuda Capsules. In fact the car body color could be saving. The interior was redesigned and made of fiberglass. When viewed from the front has changed. As the hood was replaced with the Deer capsule. This resulted in replacement of the bone is made forward 20 cm to get the arch hood, and headlights fit a Mitsubishi Kuda mounted. To meet the characteristics of his Lowrider truckin was made body kit, fiberglass blend and galvanized plates, which refers to the Dynamic Tornado for the BMW 3 Series. The deck is shifted more up front 30 cm, while the rear deck 20 cm. Then, the effect created by cutting collapsed roof of the cabin about 12 cm. "Windshield slope angle is made smaller, while the side and rear glass to make new," said Endang. To the rear trunk lid using 0.8 mm galvanized plate, while the hinge mechanism is taken from the trunk hinges Honda Genio. Shockbreaker him wear a KIA Carnival, and for a different impression, like as if united with cabins connected by using fiberglass. Suspension inevitable dioprek. Holder of the front part of the increase. Likewise with the bottom so the game remains the optimal range, although torque system has reached the limit of shallow plays. The position was made more Shockbreaker back to sleep for more game space. To reduce violence by a leaf, two pieces per leaf (number two and three) removed. For the cabin, all on-custom, including the dashboard that is designed to use fiberglass. Then the speedometer of Mitsubishi Kuda adopted and placed in the center, while the indicator Auto Gauge and TV monitors come add color to the extreme cabin without being a mess. In addition to the speedometer, the other components of the horse that moved to Deer including power steering, air conditioning, and disc brakes. This last component to change the rate freeze front of the drum to disc. Body cultivation pretty neat. Sepatbor sweet (not too bloated) make the body look very elegant. Display it again sweetened with exhaust tip in the rear and front wheels even with the body .*
Dartz Kombat T98 is a luxury SUV Range Rover Vogue

Dartz Kombat T98 is a luxury SUV Range Rover Vogue which has been modified by Armet Armored Vehicles owned by a Russian businessman, Armet Gurkha into a bulletproof car.
Dartz car design Kombat T98 luxury SUVs like the Hummer into. Not only is thrown bulletproof by arms of the AK-47, even this car did not catch fire by the explosion of grenades though.
This car body is made of thick steel while the glass using a glass with a thickness of up to 7 cm. Although heavy, with V8nya Vortec engine, this car was driven up to 180 km / hour.
According to information, this car sells for U.S. $ 200,000 or approximately IDR 2 billion more.

modifications applied in the 2007 Suzuki Grand Vitara is only on Grand Vitara modil body itself so do not touch the Suzuki Grand Vitara engine itself. in the interior we can see that adanaya LCD TV on a chair. and from outside the car we could see there was little change in the car Suzuki Grand Vitara 2007. but it still looks very nice car...


Owner Wira Secret Community Bali
Bodywork Body kit custom racing style, custom engine hood, gultwing door, GT wing, cat pink + cutting sticker
Engine Mugen oil cap, XLS Ver.2 charging system, air filter, kabel busi Hurricane
Interior Jok Sparco + seat belt Mugen, setir Sparco, rollbar, gear knob Sparco, automoeter AutoGauge, PPM meter AutoGauge, pelat bordes, engine starter
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